30-Day, Risk Free Trial (No Credit Card required)
Service Price Note
Appointment Booking $15/month OR $150/year Includes Employee Scheduling
Text Message Reminders $0.08/sms
Auto reminder calls $0.15/call
Task Management $12/month OR $120/year
Employee Scheduling $10/month OR $100/year For more than 3 users
Client/Patient Management $12/month OR $120/year
Custom Forms $15/month OR $150/year After the first free form
ALL SERVICES $50/month OR $450/year
* Sign up for all services for a year and receive a free 60 minute phone training session.
* Employee Scheduling for up to 3 users and one custom form is completely FREE!
* All prices include 3 user accounts. Each additional user account is $2/month or $20/year.
* Prices will NEVER rise for existing customers!

Available Support Options
One Time System Setup Free
Training session over the phone $60 for 30 minutes or $100 for 60 minutes
Email Support $15/month OR $150/year
Phone Support $25/month OR $200/year
Form Creation $50/form